Job’s Tears
It is commonly known among health lovers that Job’s tears are a cereal containing various health benefits. Hence, we can often see Job’s tears in the composition of many dishes. With its significantly high nutrient property, today we would like to share the healthy benefits of Job’s tears.
• Improve excretory system and mitigate constipation; Job’s tears are rich in fiber that helps improve better defecation.
• Improve sleep quality; amino acids contained in Job’s tears act as Melatonin levels booster which then helps us to gain better sleeping quality.
• Nourish Eyes; vitamin A in Job’s tears reduce night blindness.
• Nourish teeth and bones; helps prevent osteoporosis, as well as nourishing tendons and joints.
• Nourish the skin; Job’s tears are packed with vitamins B1 and B2 which through constant consumption, these vitamins are beneficial in building smooth skin.